The 2023 Climate Change and Water Program Turkey results and the leading companies of CDP, of which Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum has been the partner in Turkey since 2010, were presented at the "CDP Turkey 14th Climate Change and Nature Conference, 2023 Results and Awards Ceremony" held on May 21.

The 2023 Turkey Results of CDP, the world's largest environmental disclosure platform, of which the partner in Turkey is Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum, were announced on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at the CDP Turkey 14th Climate Change and Nature Conference, 2023 Results and Awards Ceremony. The "Climate Change & Water Program 2023 Turkey Results Report", which includes the 2023 analyses and findings of CDP Turkey, which carries out its Turkey operations under the main sponsorship of Garanti BBVA, and CDP Global and CDP Turkey Leaders, determined according to CDP's Global Rating Methodology, were presented during the event.
According to the results, there is a positive improvement trend in the emission data of companies reporting from Turkey. The proportion of companies reporting an absolute increase in their emissions compared to last year fell to 25 percent, a significant improvement compared to the 51 percent reported in the previous year. Additionally, 53 percent of companies reported reductions in their emissions, nearly doubling the number of companies reporting reductions in the previous year.
93 percent of companies have identified potential climate-related opportunities. However, the total amount of identified climate-related risks (811) is more than 3 times the reported opportunities (251). This situation reveals that there is a significant difference between the perception of climate-related risk and opportunity in Turkey.
65 percent of companies have addressed biodiversity at board level and/or appointed a senior executive to address biodiversity-related issues within the company. Additionally, 54 percent of companies have publicly supported and/or made a public commitment to initiatives aimed at protecting biodiversity.
While 81 percent of the companies provide their water from third-party sources, they generally discharge water to third-party areas (81 percent). While 62 percent of the companies discharge their water to third-party areas without prior treatment, 12 percent of the companies release their water without any treatment process directly into the natural environment. This table highlights the urgency for companies in Turkey to prioritize responsible wastewater discharge management.
66 percent of companies have set plastic-related targets, and most of these targets focus on plastic packaging and waste management. The most common reported target metrics include eliminating single-use plastic products (21 percent) and reducing the total weight of plastic packaging used and/or produced (16 percent).
CDP Turkey Conference was held this year with the theme "A New Era in CDP: Transitioning from Climate Reporting to Nature Reporting". In 2024, CDP moved to a new, integrated set of corporate questions for companies, bringing together all reporting themes (climate change, water management, deforestation). CDP, which has published a new SME question set to encourage and facilitate the disclosure journey of small and medium-sized companies, also continues to cooperate with the world's leading standards and frameworks to reduce the disclosure obligation of companies and encourage mandatory disclosure. The most important of these was the integration of IFRS S2, the International Sustainability Reporting Standards Body (ISSB) climate-related disclosure standard, into its questions. Turkish Sustainability Reporting Standards published by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK) in Turkey are also based on these standards of ISSB..

Garanti BBVA Sustainability Leader Seray İmer made the opening speech of the conference and said: “While the climate crisis is one of the most important risks for our world, issues such as biodiversity, the existence of forest areas, and the management of water and plastics are also of great importance. CDP now wants to move companies away from climate reporting towards integrated nature reporting. At Garanti BBVA, we have been disclosing transparently on climate change since 2009 and on the water program since 2015. As the main supporter of CDP Turkey, it is a pleasure for us to follow the progress in our country's reporting approach. I believe that all companies that demonstrate their transparency and determination by responding to the CDP are setting an example. I congratulate our leading companies and hope that this positive trend will grow exponentially in the coming years."
Patrick de Cambourg, Chair of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) Sustainability Reporting Board, who was the main speaker of the conference, talked about the development and transformation of sustainability reporting from the perspective of EU regulations and made the following assessment in his speech: “We know that standard corporate reporting can only be effective in the long run if it has two legs. The first of these legs is financial reporting, which has developed, and the second is sustainability reporting, which is currently developing. The functioning of this two-legged system depends on effective coordination between these reports."

Ariane Coulombe, Head of CDP’s Disclosure in charge of Europe, another speaker of the conference, expressed the approach and goals of the New Era at CDP. Coulombe said: “In Turkey, we see a clear trend for companies to voluntarily disclose their environmental data through CDP. This is very important because reports provide the data necessary to take action. Reflecting the maturation of the market, companies in Turkey are increasingly recognizing that transparency is a key step in taking action against climate change. This transparency provides access to capital for companies, improves business efficiency, and supports compliance with current or future regulations.”

Announcing the results of the CDP Climate Change & Water Program 2023 Turkey Report, CDP Turkey Country Programs Manager Mirhan Köroğlu Göğüş expressed the following: "At CDP Turkey, we have been working with companies in Turkey to take action and report on climate issues since 2010. We are working to adapt to relevant global developments. However, we now know that climate change is only part of the problem. Science shows us that climate and nature should be addressed simultaneously. When it comes to reporting, it is vital that we focus on all components of nature, including ecosystems and biodiversity. This means a new era for all of us. We will now evolve from climate reporting to nature reporting and a more holistic approach, together with the whole world."
Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum Director Ata Can Bertay moderated the panel entitled "Transitioning from Climate Reporting to Nature Reporting" held within the scope of the conference. Nicole Hardiman, CDP Nature Standards Leader, Verena Kraus, United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) Nature Team Senior Manager, and Sevil Acar, Boğaziçi University Faculty Member and the Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Transformative Change Assessment Report were the panelists.
The panelists emphasized the importance of nature-based reporting to cover all boundaries of the planet when it comes to corporate reporting in light of the developments in recent years. Nicole Hardiman explained what this transition means for companies, focusing on what role CDP plays in shaping the coming period. Verena Kraus touched upon how financial institutions integrate nature into their business strategies and decision-making processes. Based on the assessments of IPBES, Sevil Acar focused on the relationship of companies with nature and the effects of this relationship on nature.
All companies reporting to CDP are rated according to the CDP methodology, one of the most reliable rating methodologies in the world. A record increase was recorded this year with 23 companies from Turkey entering the CDP Global A list, which is considered one of the most prestigious lists in the world in the field of environment. Among these companies, Aydem Renewable Energy, Brisa, Mavi, Migros and Yapı Kredi managed to be among the 61 leading companies from all over the world by entering the Global A list in both the climate change and water security categories.
18 of the 358 Global A Companies that received A grade within the scope of the Climate Change Program, and 10 of the 101 Global A companies within the scope of the Water Security Program are from Turkey. Additionally, 32 companies managed to enter the CDP Turkey Leaders list by receiving an (A-) rating in the Climate Change and Water Security categories. 11 companies were ranked among the SER leaders by receiving A grade in the CDP Supplier Engagement Rating (SER) category.

Within the scope of the event, after the video screening containing the messages of the CEOs of the companies that became CDP Global A Leaders, the award ceremony was opened by Hasan Özçelik, President of the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK). In his speech, Özçelik said, “I congratulate our companies from Turkey that entered the CDP Global A list, one of the most prestigious lists in the world in the field of environment, and those in other categories, and wish them continued success. On the other hand, I wish all our companies that do or will do sustainability reporting success in their work.” Then, he presented the awards to all leaders. This year, CDP Turkey awards were produced with a 3D printer and completely biodegradable materials.
The closing speeches of the event were made by CDP Turkey Director Melsa Ararat and Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum Director Ata Can Bertay.