SUNUM has been awarded the highest budgeted project support ever to be given to a single institution by the EU Commission in the history of our country. This is the first time a project from Türkiye has been funded in the WIDERA Teaming calls including Horizon 2020.

The project titled ‘Teaming For Capacity Development And Synergies In Micro-Nanofabrication And Flexible Electronics For Widespread Impact -Team.NANO’, submitted under the coordination of SUNUM Director Prof. Fazilet Vardar, will be carried out within the scope of the HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-01 (Teaming for Excellence) call with an EU budget of 9 million Euros and co-financing by the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Republic of Türkiye.
Team.NANO aims to improve the infrastructure and technical capabilities of SUNUM, one of the National Research Infrastructures within the scope of Law No. 6550, through cooperation with The University of Southampton (UK) and the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands). SUNUM aims to increase its international scientific and technological competitiveness in the field of new-generation flexible electronic systems and micro-nanofabrication processes by increasing its technical and human resources capabilities.