Sabancı University Center of Excellence in Finance (CEF), of which Akbank is the founding sponsor, will organize 4 different certificate programs in the fall term.

The first certificate program of the term, which will be held on November 25-27 and December 2-4, 2024, will be Portfolio Management and Asset Pricing, delivered by Sabancı Business School Member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doruk Günaydın. This four-day training program aims to provide participants with a strong foundation in investments. At the end of the program, participants will have a strong foundation in portfolio theory and fixed-income securities.
The Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting program to be held on December 9-11-16-18 will provide an intensive introduction to the fundamentals of capital budgeting, focusing particularly on the topic of discounted cash flow. By the end of the training to be given by CEF Director Yiğit Atılgan, participants will have gained a strong foundation in the field of capital budgeting, with a focus on discounted cash flow, and will subsequently be ready to take higher-level courses such as Company Valuation and Mergers and Acquisitions.
The Turkish Economy program to be held on December 24-28, 2024 will cover GDP, growth, unemployment, inflation, budget and public sector structure, balance of payments, monetary indicators, economic crisis situations, and the Turkish economic situation. The training will be given by Mahfi Eğilmez, economist, author and Former Undersecretary of the Treasury.
The Behavioral Finance – Theory and Practice program, which will be held on January 8-9-14, 2025, aims to be a guide to understanding the foundations of behavioral finance, and the causes and effects of irrational investor behavior. The training program, which includes real-life case studies, investor behavior analysis, behavioral intervention cases to change investor behavior, and a Q&A session with a professional investment manager, will be given by CFA Institute Member Attila Köksal.
CEF 2024-2025 Fall Semester Program
Program Name: Portfolio Management and Asset Pricing – online on Zoom
Delivered by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doruk Günaydın - Sabancı University Faculty Member
Date: November 25-27 and December 2-4, 2024 (4 days)
Time: 19:00-22:00
Language of training: Turkish
Program name: Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting - Corporate Finance - online on Zoom
Delivered by: Prof. Dr. Yiğit Atılgan, Sabancı University Faculty Member
Date: December 9-11-16-18, 2024 (4 days)
Time: 19:00-22:00
Language of training: Turkish
Program name: Turkish Economy - HYBRID
Delivered by: Dr. Mahfi Eğilmez, Altınbaş University Faculty Member
Date and time: December 24, 2024 between 18:30-22:00 on Zoom / December 28, 2024 between 13:00-16:30 at Sabancı Center-4 Levent (total 2-day program)
Language of training: Turkish
Training name: Behavioral Finance - Theory and Practice – HYBRID
Delivered by: Attila Köksal, CFA
Date: January 8-9-14, 2025 between 19:30-21:30 on Zoom / January 18, 2025 between 13:00-15:00 at Sabancı Center-4 Levent (total 4-day program)
Language of training: Turkish