Emrah İnce is the new guest of the Nano Open Webinars

Organized by Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM), the Nano Open Webinars continue with a webinar entitled “Innovative Agriculture” that will be delivered by Emrah İnce at 11:00 on Wednesday, June 8, 2022.

Nano Open Semineri-8thJune

The innovative approach is of great importance in agriculture as well as in all areas of life. The innovative agriculture is defined as the holistic approach of conventional methods according to the changing nature and climatic conditions in today's agriculture.

The speaker of Nano Open, on June 8, will be Emrah İnce, the technology evangelits of the Technology Development Foundation of Turkey and the founder of the NewFarmer Platform. İnce will talk about innovative agriculture, innovation and digital application in agriculture.

Nano Open Webinar will be held in a hybrid way at 11:00 on June 8, 2022.

To register for the webinar otolab.sabanciuniv.edu