Families are back to school

Sabancı University invited parents to the sixth annual “Family and Education Day.”  Families learned more about a wide range of topics from science to entrepreneurship, energy, and politics.

Sabancı University “Family and Education Day” took place at the Sabancı University campus in Tuzla on Saturday, October 22, 2016. The traditional Family and Education Day event started at the Sabancı University Performing Arts Center with introductory remarks by Acting President Ayşe Kadıoğlu.

The first presentation on the Family and Education Day was made by Batu Erman from the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Batu Erman's lecture was titled “Drug Design and Production in Nanolabs”.

This was followed by Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences member Ali Koşar on “SU Pistol and Cancer Treatment."

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences member Çağla Aydın spoke on “Language, Memory and Psychology”.

Finally, School of Management Acting Dean Füsun Ülengin gave a lecture titled “The Impact of Transport Restrictions in Europe on the Turkish Economy".

Parents were accompanied by Sabancı University faculty members during lunch, where they found the opportunity to ask questions. The afternoon session included tours of the Information Center and SUNUM, and Faculty Programs.

Parents received general information about the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences from Assistant Dean Cem Güneri; the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences from Assistant Dean Özgür Kıbrıs, the School of Management from Assistant Dean Burçin Bozkaya, and the School of Languages from Program Coordinator Nurdan Çoksezen Metel.

2015-2016 Lecture Awards given

The Foundations Development Year Instructor Awards category had İlkem Kayıcan in first place, Adam John Simpson in second and Andrew Bosson in third.

Contribution to First Year University Courses – Class Lectures category awards went to Brian Rodrigues in first place, Meltem Naime Bizim in second place, and Ali Nihat Eken in third place.

Contribution to First Year University Courses – Hall Lectures category awards went to Hülya Canbakal, Emrah Kalemci and Cemil Koçak in first, second and third places, respectively.

Graduates of the Year award winners chosen with the votes of senior year undergraduate students were Cem Güneri, Ali Rana Atılgan, and Kemal Kılıç.

In the First Year Teaching Assistant awards category, Aysu Yurduşen was first, Abba Ibrahim Ramadan second and Onur Çatmabacak third.

In the Teaching Assistant Awards category for courses other than first-year university courses, first prize went to Ronay Çetin, second prize to Yunus Akkoç, and third prize to Abdul Ghani.

Winners received their awards from Acting President Ayşe Kadıoğlu, FENS Assistant Dean Cem Güneri, FASS Assistant Dean Özgür Kıbrıs, SoM Acting Dean Füsun Ülengin, and School of Languages Director Jacqueline Einer.

Mini concert by Müzikus
The Family and Education Day concluded with a mini concert by Sabancı University music club Müzikus.