Meltem Elitaş wins two first prizes in medicine

Mechatronic Engineering program faculty Meltem Elitaş received first prizes in the 11th National Oncology Research Symposium and the 8th Surgical Research Conference.

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Mechatronics Program Assistant Professor Meltem Elitaş and Anadolu Medical Center's Oncology Specialist Professor  Serdar Turhal, MD, won the first prize in the 11th National Oncology Research Symposium with a project proposal titled "Design and production of a high-precision microfluid device to study the effects and tolerance of Sorafenib in liver cancer cases."

The 11th National Oncology Research Symposium seeks to bring together specialists from all disciplines to develop multi-centered projects, find solutions to problems in the field, share clinical study data, and promote a medium of dialog for the advancement of scientific studies.

Assistant Professor Meltem Elitaş won another prize in an "Invention Contest." Elitaş and Anadolu Medical Center General Surgery Specialist Associate Professor Tuğrul Tansuğ, MD, presented their invention "Continuous Laparoscopic Surgical Stapler" in the 8th Surgery Research Congress held by the Turkish Surgery Society and won first prize in the invention contest held during the congress.