Continuing its activities in the field of nanotechnology as one of the "National Research Infrastructures", SUNUM - Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center - organizes its Nanotechnology Winter School for high school students between January 22 - February 2, 2024. The courses consist of two different programs, each lasting for one week.

The courses will be delivered by SUNUM researchers and technical experts who conduct leading national and international studies in the field of nanotechnology. High school students who will attend the SUNUM Nanotechnology Winter School will learn about many different subjects, from the surprising traces of nanotechnology in everyday life to smart tattoos and devices for health monitoring.
The first program, which will take place from January 23 to January 27, will include Introduction to Nanotechnology subjects, and the second program, which will take place between January 30 and February 3, will include Advanced Nanotechnology Applications.
SUNUM Nanotechnology Winter School dates:
January 22 - February 2 2024
Program 1: 22-26 January 2023 Introduction to Nanotechnology
Program 2: 29 January - 2 February 2024 Advanced Nanotechnology Applications
Details of the program:
- The program will be carried out online. Students who want to physically participate in the participation certificate ceremony and laboratory presentation, which will be held on the last day of the program, are invited to SUNUM.
- The program is open to all high school students.
- A one-week program consists of 8 courses.
- Students who attend at least 6 courses will be given a Participation Certificate.
- Students can choose a one-week program or participate in a two-week program.
- In the program, two-hour Nano Talks will be held with SUNUM academics to answer students’ questions about the academic world, new professions and current research.
Program fees:
- One-week program fee is 9.000 TL + 20% VAT (10.800 TL)
- Two-week program fee is 15.000 TL + 20% VAT (18.000 TL)
- A 20% discount will be applied to the first-degree relatives of Sabancı University members.
Application deadline: January 18, 2024
Please click pre-registration form:
For detailed information:
Click for the course schedule.