Never sink into despair or pessimism

“Academic Year Closing Lecture” was given by Nebahat Akkoç, the founder of KAMER. Nebahat Akkoç shared her life experiences with the graduation class during her lecture “The Life I Rediscovered” at SGM on Friday, June 17, 2016.

Nebahat Akkoç started her speech by explaining how her relationship with Sabancı University started with Tosun Terzioğlu, the late Founding President of Sabancı University. Speaking of her personal experiences and KAMER, “Representing yourself is a hard thing, but I have to. My life is a part of Turkey's recent history” said Akkoç. Nebahat Akkoç touched on origins and members of her family and explained how difficult it is for people to confront their past.

Akkoç told the graduation class her life story, and gave information about foundation of KAMER and KAMER’s efforts to date. Noting KAMER is active in 44 provinces, she expressed their ideals to ensure a pluralistic, democratic society. Nebahat Akkoç mentioned that they frequently feel the need to emphasize their independent structure. She said thinking universal but acting local is what distinguishes them from other women’s organizations.

Nebahat Akkoç said the following about what she learned before and after KAMER:
•    Violence against women matters to all women.
•    Violence against women is a systematical problem started and maintained to push women into the background.
•    Only 8 percent of the real estate in the world is owned by women.
•    As a consequence, women are excluded from estates.

Based on her learnings, Nebahat Akkoç continued with the actions that need to be taken to eliminate violence against women:
•    Women must realize their gender roles.
•    Women should be provided support to avoid violence.
•    Children, especially in their early childhood, should be raised as individuals.
•    We must organize activities that seek to change the mindset in the society.

Emphasizing that gender equality should be mainstreamed in all spheres, Akkoç underscored the importance of identification of and settling the ancillary problems that boost violence. Nebahat Akkoç underlined that Turkey is a vast land with local inequalities all around, explaining practices enacted by the central authority are not implemented everywhere. As a solution, Akkoç suggested local endeavors, studies and local policies matching the results thereof should be discussed and created with local politicians.

“Even if you live in hard conditions, never sink into despair or pessimism. For a well-educated, awake generation that wants to settle their problems amicably is coming,” said Nebahat Akkoç, concluding her speech.

Then Akkoç joined the graduates for the traditional laying of the alumni brick.

About Nebahat Akkoç:She was born in Bingöl in 1955. She received primary education in Hazro and Silvan districts of Diyarbakır. After primary school, she went to “Mardin Girls Teaching Elementary School” as a boarder. As part of the East-West Amalgamation move in 1970, she had to finish her teaching education in “Manisa Mardin Girls Teaching Elementary School”.  She completed an associate degree program in Eskişehir Anadolu University while teaching. She taught several schools in villages, districts and city centrum of Diyarbakır for 22 years.

She became an activist in TÖB-DER (Teachers Association Foundation of Turkey) that was not closed until 1980. She was the chairperson of Diyarbakır branch of EĞİTİM-SEN (Education and Science Workers’ Union) between 1990-1993. Afterwards, she started working as a General Member of the Board of Human Rights Association (İHD). She functioned as the Regional Representative during her service. In 1994, she joined Democratic People’s Party (DEP) as a substitute member for four months.

She began actively engaging in women’s studies in 1996. She founded KAMER (Women’s Center) in 1997. Initially founded as a company, KAMER was restructured as KAMER Foundation in 2005 to generalize its endeavors. She founded various centers to fight for women’s human rights in 23 provinces of South-Eastern and Eastern Anatolia.
She has been carrying out “Every Woman Deserves An Opportunity” program since 2005. This program aims to provide every woman from all provinces, districts and villages with an opportunity to escape from violence by recognizing women’s traditional roles to make a difference.

“Diyarbakır KAMER’ in Kuruluş Hikâyesi ve Yürüttüğü Çalışmalar” 90’larda Türkiye’de Feminizm. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2002.
Grup Çalışması İçin El Kitabı KAMER, 2003
Alışmayacağız! –  KAMER, 2003
“Keşke Dememek İçin –  KAMER, 2004.
Suçlu Kim? KAMER, 2005.
İstersek Biter KAMER 2006 Fark Ederek Çoğalmak İçin (Şiddet Çalışma Yöntemleri el kitabı)
Ceren Belge’s biographical interview book “OHAL’DE FEMİNİZM Nebahat Akkoç Anlatıyor” was published by Ayizi Publishing.   

2015 - Anne Klein Women’s Award – H. Böll Foundation
2008 - Social Entrepreneur of the Year (Ernst & Young)
2007 - Human Rights Award – Social Democracy Foundation (SODEV)
2006 - Legion d’ Honneur Medal
2005 - Mevlana Peace Award
2004 - The Ginetta Sagan Award – Amnesty International
2003 - “Heroes of Our Time” Award – Time Magazine
2002 - Achievement Prize – Rotary Club
2002 - Achievement Prize – Lions Club
2000 - Ashoka Fellowship