Sabancı University-FASS hosted Northwestern faculty members and PhD students in art history early this month, Sept.6th -14th. Onur Yazicigil, Christopher Colak, Ahu Antmen, and Kerem Ozan Bayraktar met with the visitors and organized panel sessions for their study visit in Istanbul.

The Northwestern University Art History Department and the Visual Arts and Visual Communication Design Program from Sabancı University's Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences convened at the Karaköy Minerva Han Communication Center, beginning with a panel on September 6th featuring FASS faculty members Onur Yazıcıgil and Christopher Çolakt. A subsequent session took place on September 11th, focusing on the topic "The Islamic Miniature and Contemporary Art," moderated by Professors Thadeus Dowad and Ahu Antmen, with contributions from artists Cansu Çakar, Onur Hastürk, and Seval Şener. The program concluded with a visit to the Sakıp Sabancı Museum and a tour of the new exhibition, "Georg Baselitz."