The project titled "Micro-FloTec: Microscale enabled advanced flow and heat transfer technologies featuring high performance and low power consumption", led by Prof. Dr. Ali Koşar and Dr. Abdolali K. Sadaghiani, faculty members of Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS), and EFSUN researchers, supported under Horizon Europe MSCA Staff Exchanges 2021, was promoted in the Micro and Nano Flows 2023 Conference held in Padova. Ali Koşar, Invited Speaker in this conference, gave a presentation to provide information about the project and progress made in this project. The project is being coordinated by Sabancı University.

'The Micro-FloTec project adopts an international, multidisciplinary, and collaborative approach to exchange expertise among 17 research institutions and two industrial partners to trigger significant advancements and paradigm shifts in small-scale heat transfer and thermal management solutions. The project team hopes to achieve cost-effective and sustainable solutions, initiate new research, and contribute to the EU's long-term strategy for climate and energy savings targets by 2050.