Our University Receives Full Accreditation from the Higher Education Quality Council

Our university has received "Full Accreditation" within the scope of the Institutional Accreditation Program implemented by the Higher Education Quality Council (YÖKAK) in order to increase the quality and contribute to quality assurance in higher education institutions. In this way, Sabancı University became one of the few universities to receive “Full Accreditation” within the scope of the program this year. YÖKAK Full Accreditation, which is provided by evaluating criteria such as leadership, governance and quality, education, research and development, and social contribution, will be valid for 5 years.

YOKAK Accreditation

Stating that they are very happy to receive the "Full Accreditation" for 5 years from YÖKAK, which carries out the quality assessment of universities according to national and international standards, our President Yusuf Leblebici said, "This accreditation is the assurance of the superior standard we provide to all our stakeholders, in particular our students, academic and administrative staff, in all fields of activity, and constitutes a new step. With YÖKAK Full Accreditation, our university is committed to maintaining its quality at international standards in both our teaching and research, and development efforts for the next 5 years, in line with its goals, while carrying it forward according to the needs that will arise in the future”.

Founded in 2015 as an autonomous organization within the scope of the "Higher Education Quality Assurance Regulation", YÖKAK evaluates the quality levels of higher education institutions' education, research, social contribution activities, and administrative services, according to national and international quality standards. It also carries out internal and external quality assurance, accreditation processes and authorization of independent external evaluation institutions.

You can access the YÖKAK evaluation from the link below.

YÖKAK 2022 Institutional Accreditation Evaluation