Sabancı University among the top 350 universities worldwide

Times Higher Education (THE) reveals 2015-2016 World University Rankings. Sabancı University was the 2nd best Turkish university among 1313 universities from 79 countries, and ascended from the top 351-400 to the top 301-350, becoming the only Turkish university to improve its standing over the previous year. 


Times Higher Education (THE) revealed the 2016-2017 World University Rankings. 7 more Turkish universities entered the rankings this year, bringing the total number of Turkish universities up to 18. 

1313 universities were evaluated for this year's rankings and 980 universities from 79 countries were on the list.

The Turkish universities and their respective brackets are: Koç University, 251st – 300th; Sabancı University, 301st-350th; Bilkent University, 351st – 400th; Atılım and Boğaziçi Universities, 401st-500th; ITU, 501st – 600th; Eastern Mediterranean, Hacettepe, Istanbul, IYTE, METU and TOBB Universities, 601st - 800th; 

and Anadolu, Ankara, Erciyes, Gazi, Marmara and Yıldız Technical Universities, 601st - 800th.

With respect to Turkish universities, Sabancı was the only university to improve its standing among the top three Turkish universities of last year, which were Koç, Sabancı and Bilkent.  In a ranking of 980 universities, the ascent of Sabancı University from the 351 to 400 range to the 301 to 350 range is an important development.

The fact that the number of Turkish universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2016-2017 World University Rankings is indicative of the importance placed by Turkish universities in the rankings and their growing strength in the global competitive environment.

The methodology of THE University Rankings assesses successful universities based on 13 performance indicators in teaching, research, citations, industry income and international outlook.

The scope and weight of these five categories are provided below:

Teaching: the learning environment (worth 30%)

Research: volume, income and reputation (worth 30%)

Citations: research influence (worth 30%)

Industry Income: innovation (worth 2.5%)

International Outlook: staff, students and research (worth 7.5%)