Sabancı University Climbed to 2nd Place in the CoHE (YÖK) Research Universities 2023 Performance Ranking

The Annual Evaluation Meeting of Research Universities was held under the presidency of the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) President Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar. Speaking at the meeting, which was also attended by Sabancı University Vice President Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldız, CoHE Executive Board Member Prof. Dr. Naci Gündoğan shared the results prepared according to the 2023 performance data of research universities in detail for each university and announced the performance rankings. Sabancı University continued to increase its successful performance in research and academic fields this year and ranked 2nd on the list.


The CoHE Research Universities Academic Performance Ranking was announced at the Research Universities Evaluation Meeting hosted by Gazi University in Ankara on September 16, 2024. Sabancı University ranked 2nd on the list, climbing one more place compared to the previous year. At the meeting, where the 2023 data of research universities were taken into consideration, it was emphasized that the performance ranking of 23 research universities was determined according to 32 indicator criteria in the fields of "research capacity", "research quality" and "interaction and collaboration".

Sabancı University, which is in the A1 group, indicating the high-level research performance of research universities, ranked 2nd with 73 points. Sabancı University, which ranked 3rd last year and rose to 2nd place this year with great success, shared first place with 33 points out of 40 in the quality score, and achieved the best performance score among the 23 universities by receiving 16 out of 20 in the collaboration score ranking. Sabancı University, with approximately 210 faculty members, also showed a performance at the level of schools with two to three times more faculty members in the capacity score.

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldız, Sabancı University’s Vice President for Research, said, "At Sabancı University, we have improved both our research quality and our collaboration capabilities every year by using our resources in the most efficient way within the scope of our culture and strategy of creating together. The success we have achieved is an indication of how strong we have made our university's research capacity and our global collaborations. In the upcoming period, we will continue to contribute to the scientific and technological development of our country by further advancing our strategic objectives in the field of research."

President Yusuf Leblebici made the following assessments regarding this achievement of Sabancı University: “Our university has proven once again the importance it places on scientific research at an international level. The fact that we are ranked first among all research universities in Turkey in the categories of Research Quality and Interaction/Collaboration shows that our strategy in this area is yielding results. Especially when normalized with the number of our students and faculty members, these results also emphasize how high Sabancı University’s research performance is.”