Sabancı University Commencement Ceremony

Sabancı University Board of Trustees Chair Güler Sabancı spoke at the Sabancı University Commencement Ceremony:

• “Ideas are the rarest, therefore the most valuable, resources of the 21st century”

• “The only thing we are certain about the future is that it will be different”

• “Universal values should be the star that guides you”

• “Understanding and embracing the strengths of youths, respecting their freedom and individual wishes, ensuring that they know you are there to help them succeed will be the best commencement gift you can give”

Sabancı University Board of Trustees Chair Güler Sabancı spoke at the commencement ceremony for the 15th graduate and 12th undergraduate classes on Saturday, June 21st, 2014.

Güler Sabancı said:

“Ideas are the rarest, therefore the most valuable, resources of the 21st century.  You too can achieve great success without needing anyone’s help.  Like Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said, the strength you need is in your hands.”

“Understanding and embracing the strengths of youths, respecting their freedom and individual wishes, ensuring that they know you are there to help them succeed will be the best commencement gift you can give”

“Remember: the only thing we are certain about the future is that it will be different.  Therefore one must be open to change, and this is a sign of self-confidence and self-respect.  Be bold in defending and seeing through the change that you believe to be right.  Churchill said, “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”  But also keep in mind that you can’t change everything whenever you want.”

“You may sometimes be left with difficult choices.  In this case, universal values should be the star that guides you.  You should navigate by human rights, equality, rule of law, science and knowledge.”

Güler Sabancı also gave life advice to new graduates.

At the Commencement Ceremony on the Sabancı University Campus, 49 doctorate, 178 master’s and 566 undergraduate students received their diplomas.  Students from 24 countries graduated from Sabancı University this year.

The 15th graduate and 12th undergraduate classes of Sabancı University received their diplomas at the commencement ceremony held on Saturday, June 24th. The ceremony was held on campus in Tuzla with more than five thousand guests. The top-ranking students of the three faculties received their awards during the ceremony. Valedictorians were Yasin Razlık in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Reyhan Ayas in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and Pelin Seyrekoğlu in the School of Management.

Speakers at the ceremony were Sabancı University Board of Trustees Chair Güler Sabancı, President Professor Nihat Berker and Political Science Master’s Program graduate Gürbüz Doğan on behalf of graduate students, Manufacturing Systems Engineering graduate Ege Yağız on behalf of undergraduate students, and Emir Cevheri, president of the Sabancı University Alumni Association and 2007 graduate of the Mechatronic Engineering Program.

We became a university that made a difference in higher education in Turkey

Sabancı University Board of Trustees Chair Güler Sabancı said that when they had set off to found a global university twenty years ago, they had dreamt of a university that was new and different, choosing to create a new and unique model that was not a reiteration of existing university models.  Güler Sabancı continued: “We became a university that embraced uniqueness and change, respected academic freedoms, adopted an interdisciplinary approach, believed in the importance of creating and developing together; a university that made a difference in higher education in Turkey.”

Praise from Güler Sabancı to the scientific and artistic achievements of the university and its graduates

Güler Sabancı said that seeing the achievements of Sabancı University reaffirmed her confidence that they were on the right path, and commented on scientific breakthroughs, including the 3D aorta tissue printing studies with Sabancı University students, and the Turkish leadership of the European Flagship Projects, namely the Human Brain Project and the Graphene Project.

Scientific advances were not the only praiseworthy aspect of Sabancı University according to Güler Sabancı, who mentioned that the recognition of some Sabancı visual arts graduates transcended borders, leading to their admittance to New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA).

Güler Sabancı also mentioned National Science Foundation career awards won by Sabancı University graduates pursuing academic careers in the United States.

“You too will attain success in your professional or academic careers to trigger change and make a difference.”

Güler Sabancı spoke on Sabancı University graduates working worldwide, saying: “You too will attain success in your professional or academic careers to trigger change and make a difference.  You are well-learned in a variety of subjects.  The philosophy of our university equipped you with the ability to think freely, avoid preconceptions, be open to differing thoughts and opinions, embrace diversity, and value the strength of knowledge.  You have been raised within the extraordinary change occurring throughout the world.”

“Ideas are the rarest, therefore the most valuable, resources of the 21st century”

During her speech, Güler Sabancı gave the example of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, saying, “The story of Zuckerberg with Facebook is the story of a young man with no capital becoming a billionaire worldwide.  The only thing that Zuckerberg had was an idea.  Ideas are the rarest, therefore the most valuable, resources of the 21st century.  You too can achieve great success without needing anyone’s help.  Like Mustafa Kemal Atatürk said, the strength you need is in your hands.”

Güler Sabancı continued, “Remember: the only thing we are certain about the future is that it will be different.  Therefore one must be open to change, and this is a sign of self-confidence and self-respect.  Be bold in defending and seeing through the change that you believe to be right.  Churchill said, ‘To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.’  But also keep in mind that you can’t change everything whenever you want.”

Life lessons from Güler Sabancı:

• Have COURAGE to change what you can.

• Have PATIENCE for what you cannot.

• And have WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE to discern between the two.

• A new era begins in your life; it’s okay to have dreams as well as concerns.

• Make an effort to know yourself well.

• Have confidence in yourself and what you have learned, but never give up questioning and learning.

• Make one form of sports and/or art a permanent part of your life.

“Universal values should be the star that guides you”

Success may await you as well as disappointment.  You may hesitate.  You may sometimes be left with difficult choices.

In this case, universal values should be the star that guides you.

You should navigate by:

• Human rights,

• Equality,

• Rule of law, and

• Science and knowledge.

The best commencement present

Addressing parents, Güler Sabancı said, “Understanding and embracing the strengths of youths, respecting their freedom and individual wishes, ensuring that they know you are there to help them succeed will be the best commencement gift you can give.”

Güler Sabancı concluded by expressing her confidence that the graduates were taking the first step towards a future, where they can be successful all over the world.

President Professor A.  Nihat Berker underlined the importance of free and informed choices

Also speaking at the ceremony, Sabancı University President Professor A. Nihat Berker said that Sabancı University made every effort to pass on the most advanced knowledge and skill in arts and social sciences, management, and engineering and natural sciences.  Discussing their objective to equip students with the curiosity, desire and self-confidence to learn new skills and knowledge beyond their field, Professor Berker said, “The way to overcome challenges and difficulties in life is not to hoard all skills and information you learn.  You will need desire, self-confidence and curiosity.  You will be the happiest and most helpful to the people you know when you take the path of free and informed choices.”

Professor A. Nihat Berker continued, “As you know, you set on this path when you made a free and informed choice of your diploma program after you joined the University.  It went on when we encouraged you to do research and tackle real-life issues.  You gained international experience.  In an environment that is sensitive to students and individuals, you gained sensibilities towards the society and the underprivileged.  Our Civic Involvement Projects, a graduation requirement, attracted 1500 volunteers instead of the required 750.”

“We receive the most European projects in research”

Berker noted that Sabancı University received the highest number of European projects in student-involved research efforts, explaining: “According to the index published by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, we have been Turkey’s most entrepreneurial and innovative university for two years.”  Berker said that the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit was more worthwhile when shared, which was why Sabancı University was collaborative and open to assistance among other universities.

With regard to being global, Berker said that Sabancı University attracted the highest number of European exchange students per own students, while also sending the highest number of students to exchange programs in Europe.  Nihat Berker continued, “First year students that have the highest GPA in their respective courses are sent to MIT in their second years for taking 20 hours of courses.  MIT does the same to us.  We are in a similar arrangement with Berlin University.  A quarter of our alumni work or study abroad.  You are prepared for the entire world.”

President Berker discussed the achievements of Sabancı University members

President Berker said that the list of individual or group achievements was inexhaustible because the students, faculty and employees of Sabancı University won a significant award every two weeks in average, expressing his confidence that this would continue to improve in the future.

Berker said that Sabancı University students ranked high in entrepreneurship competitions in Singapore and the United States, as well as sailing cups in France, continuing “The influence of Sabancı University alumni is increasing exponentially in the workplace, the cultural scene and academia.  While we are in China, we hear about their success in California.  This does not mean that we are complacent with what we have achieved.  We constantly challenge ourselves to do better, and are quick to implement solutions.  Our students deserve the best care from us.  And this is our main objective.”

“You deserve anything and you can do anything as long as remain true to the substance of your work and the truth.”

President Professor A. Nihat Berker said, “To end my words I would like to thank you personally.  The brain exercise we do thanks to you, and the excitement you pass on to us, our energy is replenished and we remain young.  I said before that as you set sail towards your dreams, opportunities, freedom and initiative of the future, we will keep a watchful eye over you.  Our friendship and cooperation will continue.  A university is measured by its alumni and we are proud of ours.  A final word of advice: You deserve anything and you can do anything as long as remain true to the substance of your work and the truth.  That is when mines don’t collapse and lives are not wasted.

Rektör Berker concluded, “Like a close colleague of mine says, don’t run from work.  Let work run from you.  Enjoy succeeding and helping others succeed; be happy and make others happy.”

Gürsel Sönmez Awards given

Endowed in the memory of the late Gürsel Sönmez, a Sabancı University faculty member who passed away in 2006, the Dr. Gürsel Sönmez Research Awards were presented at the commencement ceremony.  Winners were Nurşen Aydın from the Doctorate Program in Industrial Engineering; Sinem Şaşmaz Muş from the Doctorate Program in Physics; Süleyman Kardaş from the Doctorate Program in Computer Science and Engineering; Rüştü Umut Tok from the Doctorate Program in Mechatronic Engineering, and Alperen Acemoğlu from the Undergraduate Program in Mechatronic Engineering.

The hat-toss was followed by a dance show and live music by Ayhan Sicimoğlu.  Sabancı University Board of Trustees Chair Güler Sabancı joined the dance to share the excitement of graduation with the students.