The second semester of the Sabancı University Summer High School concludes

The second semester of the sixth Summer High School held by Sabancı University concluded. 428 students from Turkey and other countries attended the second semester of the Sabancı University Summer High School.

Offers an authentic university experience to high school students, the second semester of the sixth Sabancı University Summer High School concluded with a certificate ceremony held on Friday, August 5, 2016 at the Sabancı University Performing Arts Center.

428 students from 29 provinces in Turkey as well as Germany, France and the UK attended the second semester of the Sabancı University Summer High School. International students make the Sabancı University Summer High School a truly multinational environment.

The school offers an authentic university experience to high school students, and contains courses ranging from natural sciences to management, arts and social sciences, language education, and seminars on universities and professions.The Sabancı University Summer High School provides a multinational academic and cultural environment where students can develop themselves.

The second semester curriculum consisted of Molecular Biology; Genetic Engineering and Nanomedicine; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computers; Operating Computers and Robots with Brain Signals; Introduction to Industrial Engineering; Introduction to Computer Programming and Data Analysis; Education and Industries in Engineering Branches; Augmented Mechanics II; Society, Economy and Politics; Law and Ethics; Architecture: Cultural Accumulation and Designing the Future; The History of a City: Constantinople/Istanbul;  Psychology and Philosophy; Great Works of Modern Art, 20th Century Music and Opera; Visual Communication, Design and Art; Basic English II; Creative Intellect and Creative Activity; Civic Involvement Project; Successful Entrepreneurs; Universities and Professions: Learn, Choose and Succeed.

“Society and Culture” and “Economy and Government” courses were in English.

Extracurricular activities

Sabancı University Summer High School included extracurricular activities throughout the day, offering sports and cultural or social opportunities.

Extracurricular activities in the Sabancı University Summer High School were personal development seminars, basic first aid training, bridge, fitness, tennis, volleyball, basketball, football, korfball, frisbee, group exercises, dance, creative drama, marbling, ceramics, and percussion workshops.

The proceeds of the Sabancı University Summer High School are donated to the Sabancı University scholarship fund.