SUASSET Applications

Arts, Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship and Technology (ASSET) Undergraduate Projects is a support program which is open to all Sabancı University undergraduate students who aim to develop innovative projects. ASSET aims to contribute to undergraduate students’ academic and career development and enable students to engage in entrepreneurial projects with a focus on innovation and positive social impact early in their careers.

ASSET’s main focus is innovation and the program covers a variety of fields including natural and social sciences as well as arts with an applied and entrepreneurial approach. ASSET prioritizes cross-disciplinary research and applications which combines technology, social innovation, arts and entrepreneurship.

In addition, ASSET aims to enable undergraduate students to combine academic and non-academic skills and competencies which prepare students for careers in a competitive labor market.

For these purposes, we invite all undergraduate students of Sabancı University to become part of Arts, Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship and Technology (ASSET), a support program for innovative undergraduate projects, through which you can receive a seed fund to build on your creative ideas.

For this purpose, applicants need to submit their project through the application form and must include a preliminary budget and an implementation plan.

Important points about submissions to ASSET Undergraduate Projects:

  • Deadline for submissions is January 12, 2018
  • You can submit your innovative project individually or as a group. Group projects are encouraged.
  • You can work on any topic which has the potential to result in some concrete output, which can be a product, a social innovation or a project that aims at social impact.
  • Some examples for topics include but not limited to sustainability, biotechnology, environment, energy, education, disability, materials science, gender, data analysis, knowledge management, conflict resolution, STEM, etc. Interdisciplinary projects are encouraged.
  • Projects which will receive seed funding and the amount of funding will be determined by reviewers established by the Evaluation Committee, which will also periodically supervise the selected projects. For projects which do not currently have a supervisor, the Evaluation Committee will assign a project supervisor.
  • Projects which are successfully implemented throughout the process of supervision will have the chance to receive support from SUCool.
  • You can receive support from Industrial Collaboration and Technology Licensing Office (ILO) regarding your questions on intellectual property processes such as invention disclosures, patent searching, patent / trademark / design applications:


For further information:

Application Form: