The research project of Sabancı University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) Faculty Members Zeynep Gülru Göker and Cenk Özbay has been awarded support under the TÜBİTAK 2515-COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology Program.

The research project entitled “Social and Political Construction and Negotiation of Entrepreneurial Subjectivity in Turkey: An Examination at Different Urban Scales” has been awarded support under the TÜBİTAK 2515-COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology Program. The project will shed light on the international studies conducted within the scope of the COST Action entitled “Research Network for Interdisciplinary Studies of Transhistorical Deliberative Democracy (CHANGECODE)” in which Zeynep Gülru Göker is a steering committee member.
The main objectives of the research, which adopts an interdisciplinary approach with political science and sociology as the main disciplines, include understanding the role and contribution of municipalities and local governments in the formation, dissemination, and mainstreaming of the idea of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial human type (or subjectivity) in Turkey, documenting the extent to which entrepreneurship is used as a way out or an alternative urban development strategy in cities experiencing social, demographic, and economic stagnation or regression and the results this produces, and looking at the social, cultural, urban, and political dialogue and negotiation channels that can emerge from local entrepreneurs, especially young people, and civil society organizations.
The project will be completed in 24 months. Zeynep Gülru Göker will be the principal investigator of the project and Cenk Özbay will be the researcher. The project will have contributions from one PhD and two MA scholarship holders. Ayşe Betül Çelik will be consulted at certain stages of the research.