Non-Thesis Master in Action Research and Transformation Program (mART) Introductory Meeting

An online introductory meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9 at 20:00 for the new term of Turkey's first and only Non-Thesis Master's Program in Action Research and Transformation.

Non-Thesis Master's Program in Action Research and Transformation

The Master in Action Research and Transformation Program (mART), to which middle and senior managers can apply, aims to respond to the need of institutions and companies to be ready for the rapidly increasing transformation occurring with developments such as climate change, new business models and working styles, in an era of uncertainty.

The program introduced by Sabancı University in the 2022-23 period offers its participants detailed insight into topics such as Workforce Transformation and Change Management, Decision-Making Practice, Action Research Implementation and Facilitation, Institutional Transformation, and Strategy.

In the 12-month program, the world's leading figures in the field of action research give lectures, while collaborations are made with international institutions such as the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in case studies.

You can register for the introductory meeting* to be held with the participation of Sabancı University ARAMA Action Research Initiative Chair Oğuz N. Babüroğlu and mART Program Manager Pınar Akpınar by clicking here.