2 awards from Turkey in the Raith Micrograph Award 2021 Special Edition Competition

In the Raith Micrograph Award 2021 Special edition competition organized by Raith company with international participation; The fabrication 'Full Electrostatic Control of Nanomechanical Buckling Device' with the collaboration between Bilkent UNAM (Supervised by Dr. Mehmet Selim Hanay) and Sabancı University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM) in which significant nanofabrication processes were carried out by SUNUM Nanofabrication Team Leader Dr. Cenk YANIK, was selected 2nd by the committee. 

Cenk Yanık

Another collaborative work 'Doubly-clamped beam NEMS device' in which Dr. Cenk YANIK made critical contributions to the nanofabrication production process, was also awarded as “Honorable Mentioned". 

It is very proud and hopeful that there are two distinguished institutions from Turkey in the competition where participants from many countries took place. 

We congratulate Dr. Cenk YANIK for his outstanding contributions and wish him continued success.