2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Term Special Student Applications

Students currently enrolled in a higher education institution other than Sabancı University can participate in the courses offered by Sabancı University as "special students." To apply as a special student, the following conditions must be met:

• Being enrolled as a student in an undergraduate program at a higher education institution to take undergraduate-level courses,

• Being a student in a master's, doctoral, or proficiency in art program at a higher education institution to take graduate-level courses,

• Obtaining the approval of the relevant faculty or institute department chair at the enrolled university.

The acceptance of an application as a special student does not imply acceptance into any diploma program.

For students taking courses as special students at Sabancı University, upon request, a transcript showing the registered courses and the grades obtained in those courses will be provided.

Deadline for application: January 24, 2025

2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Term Application Requirements

2024-2025 Academic Year Spring Term Special Student Application

Sabancı University
Student Resources Unit
Orta Mahalle, Üniversite Cd. No:27
34956 Orhanlı-Tuzla

Phone: 0216 483 90 93
Fax: 0216 483 90 73
