2024 Orientation Days to be Held on September 19-20

Organized by Sabancı University specifically for the new students of the 2024-25 Academic Year, the Orientation Days will be held on September 19-20 this year on the university's Tuzla campus.

Oryantasyon Günleri

Within the framework of the event, undergraduate and graduate students who are newly enrolled in our university will learn about the registration process, graduation, program selection, and services to be offered. The Orientation Days will begin with opening events, and new students will be able to access detailed information about the university.

The Orientation Days, which will start on September 19 and include 6 weeks of activities, will feature opening speeches by the President and the Secretary General on the first day, followed by campus and unit introductions. On September 20, seminars containing information on international exchange programs, the Collaboration Space, and CIAD (The Center for Individual and Academic Development) advisory services will be held in addition to club and sports activities.

The Orientation Days programs will also include presentations from Sabancı University units such as the Foundations Development Program, Student Resources, CIAD, and the International Office.