President Yusuf Leblebici Receives University of Illinois Distinguished Alumni Award

Our president Yusuf Leblebici has received the Electrical and Computer Engineering Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).

The Distinguished Alumni Award of UIUC is one of the most prestigious distinctions of the Electrical and Computer Engineering program, recognizing alumni with significant professional and technical contributions to the field. Previous recipients of the award include Nick Holonyak, inventor of LED light sources; Prith Banerjee, former Vice president of Hewlett-Packard and Schneider Electric; and Jack Kilby, inventor of integrated circuits and Nobel Laureate in Physics in 2000.

In response to the news, Yusuf Leblebici has said that he is “very proud and honoured of having been selected for such a prestigious award”. He received his PhD degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1990. He worked as a faculty member at UIUC for 3 years, and has maintained his strong ties to the university for many years.

The award will be presented to Yusuf Leblebici at a ceremony to be held at UIUC on 2nd October 2020.