Business representatives in Turkey met at the Competitiveness Congress

Business representatives in Turkey met at the Competitiveness Congress organized by TÜRKONFED, SEDEFED and TÜSİAD-Sabancı University Competitiveness Forum.

The 10th Competitiveness Congress was held under the theme of "Competitive Strength, Input Import Policies and Smart Regulations."

The keynote speaker of the event was Member of the World Economic Forum Managing Board and former German Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Dr. Philipp Rösler.

The Competitiveness Congress held by Federation of Industrial Associations (SEDEFED), a member of the Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TÜRKONFED), since 2005 brought together entrepreneurs and businesspeople for the 10th event. The 10th Competitiveness Congress organized by TÜRKONFED, SEDEFED and TÜSİAD-Sabancı University Competitiveness Forum took place on January 28, 2016 at the Exporters Assembly of Turkey's Foreign Trade Hall under the theme of "Competitive Strength, Input Import Policies and Smart Regulations."

The keynote speaker of the event was Member of the World Economic Forum Managing Board and former German Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Philipp Rösler. Introductory remarks were delivered by Sabancı University President & REF Directors Board Cochair Professor Nihat Berker, TÜRKONFED Board of Directors Chair Tarkan Kadooğlu, SEDEFED Board of Directors Chair Sefa Targıt, TÜSİAD Board of Directors Vice-Chair Şükrü Ünlütürk and TİM Board of Directors Member Murat Akyüz.

Sabancı University President Nihat Berker said, "Life is competition; a good life is meaningful competition.  Competition is the way to measure oneself, it is how one stays young and alert.  Meaningful competition requires knowledge, transparency, integrity and fair-play.  You win through hard work; you win if you can keep going when your competition is slowing down.  If none of these are present, competition is nothing more than bells and whistles, a house of cards that will topple any minute.  One must say 'I shall compete' and win.  Every child is in competition with its surroundings from the moment of birth.  Then, you begin to compete with yourself, to gain distance from the competition."

In his introductory remarks, TÜRKONFED Chair Tarkan Kadooğlu said that one of the keys to economic success was the ability of countries to manifest their competitive strength on a global level. Kadooğlu continued, “It is also crucial that the competitiveness is measurable. Two criteria to assess competitiveness are to compare Turkey with other countries, and to measure quality rather than size. At TÜRKONFED, we work to improve the global competitive strength of our conferedation as a whole and our members individually."

Discussions in the congress focused on how to support high value-added production in the foreign trade of input semiproducts, and the impact of input semiproduct supply policies on the competition between domestic and international companies in various industries. Other key issues were import policies for input semiproducts, innovation, adapting to standards, and the level of support for high value-added production. In its 10th year, the Congress is even more influential in encouraging businesses, the public sector, academics and NGOs to take tangible steps towards better competitiveness, and in determining policy instruments on the level of much-needed smart regulations.

"The fast fish eats the slow one"

Keynote speaker of the 10th Competitiveness Congress, Member of the World Economic Forum Managing Board and former German Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Dr. Philipp Rösler summarized the situation in the developing world: "We are no longer playing by the rules where the big fish eats the small fish. Today, the fast one eats the slow one. Turkey and EU are good partners already, but with the visa negotiations ending on a positive note, Europe should demonstrate that it is not only a good partner, but a good friend as well. If you want to boost your efficiency, you need to increase your speed. You are at the right place if you want to improve your efficiency and speed."

Also speaking in the event, ACT Econ Competitiveness and Regulatory Partner Dr. M. Fevzi Toksoy delivered a paper that included the opinions of industry association representatives regarding issues discussed in two workshops held before the Congress. A panel discussion moderated by Turkish Chemicals Manufacturers Association Chair Timur Erk received high-level representation from companies in the industry.