Serdar Taşıran Seminar

Prof. Dr. Serdar Taşıran, "Distinguished Research Fellow" of our university will be giving a seminar on Tuesday 10 December 2019 at 12:40, open to all students and faculty members. You are cordially invited to attend!  

Serdar Taşıran

The Use of Formal Verification for Cloud Security at Amazon Web Services

This talk will discuss the development and use of formal verification tools within Amazon Web Services (AWS) to increase the security assurance of its cloud infrastructure and to help customers secure themselves. We will also discuss some remaining challenges that could inspire future research in the scientific community.


Since 2016 Serdar Tasiran has been a Principal Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services. His research area is formal verification: the use of mathematical and algorithmic methods for ensuring correctness and security. During 2003-2016, he was on the Computer Engineering Faculty at Koc University. He has an MS and a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of California at Berkeley, and a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from Bilkent University. At Amazon Web Services, within the Automated Reasoning Group, he leads a team that focuses on ensuring the security of protocols and infrastructure software. This year, a paper describing his team’s work received the honorable mention award at the US National Security Administration’s Best 7th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition.