Civic Involvement Projects were with Gypsy children in Ayvalık Küçükköy for the Discover Yourself Project

Sabancı University Civic Involvement Projects was at Ayvalık Küçükköy Creative Technologies Workshop to work with Gypsy children in the scope of Discover Yourself Project. 20 Gypsy children living in Ayvalık Hamdibey Neighborhood and 4 volunteer students from Sabancı University participated in the project that took place between 6-8 September.

Ayvalık Küçükköy CIP

In the project, which was realized with the contributions of Ayvalık Municipality and Ayvalık Neighborhood Houses, activities related to artistic skills, numerical skills, verbal skills and educational and creative drama were held and training was given on team work in order to improve children's communication skills and increase their creativity and self-confidence. Negotiations continue with Ayvalık Municipality to repeat this project, which is of great benefit to children, at regular intervals.

Roman Çocuklar

In addition to ongoing projects during the academic year, projects named as Discover Yourself are carried out outside of Istanbul during the semester and summer holiday. Discover Yourself Projects have been held more than 50 times in 30 cities since 2000.