2023 Orientation Days Will Start on September 27

Orientation Days organized by our university for the students joining us in the 2023-24 Academic Year start with the opening events to be held on 27-28 September on Sabancı University Tuzla campus.


The Orientation Days, during which newly enrolled undergraduate and graduate students can obtain all the information they may need during their education at Sabancı University, from the university enrollment process to graduation, from program selection to campus services, begin with events to be held on September 27-28.

On the first day of the Orientation Days, which will start on September 27 and cover events spanning 6 weeks, campus and unit introduction presentations will be made following the opening speeches of the President and Vice Presidents. On September 28, seminars will be held about international exchange programs, Collaboration Space and CIAD counseling services, and club and sports events.

The Orientation Days programs will include presentations of Sabancı University units such as the Foundations Development Program, Student Resources, CIAD, and the International Office.

You can access the detailed program of the Orientation Days by clicking here.