An internal event to share our experiences with Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, “Exploring AI Use in Sabancı University: Share, Learn, Inspire!”, was held on Friday January 19, 2024 in a hybrid format. The aim of this event was to explore together the potentials of generative AI tools suited for SU, by sharing our ideas and experiences on campus so far.

The event was attended by faculty members, instructors, staff members, and graduate students of SU, as well as six undergraduate student representatives. Some of us who have already tried incorporating AI tools in class and in research shared their experiences to start dialogues on the possible benefits and drawbacks of using an AI tool. Prior to the event, a short survey on the “Use of AI Tools at SU” was conducted to assess the current status of how SU members (including students) are using AI tools in teaching/learning and communication-related tasks. The results of the survey were also presented at the event. In addition, the participants discussed how our approach in academia may evolve in light of the emergence of AI tools easily accessible to everyone. As our next steps, various suggestions were made, such as organizing AI workshops for both students and instructors/staff, further collaborations across units within SU, creating a dedicated unit for following AI development, reviewing course learning outcomes, incorporating AI literacy, and emphasizing the importance of liberal arts in our curricula.

This event was organized by the PEERS (Promoting Excellence in Education and Resource Sharing) initiative at the Foundations Development Directorate. Launched in 2023, the PEERS initiative aims to foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation in teaching by sharing good practices and resources among the SU educator community, to ensure that our students receive the highest quality education and training. The PEERS initiative will follow up on the action items brought up during this event, and coordinate the steps forward regarding the AI use in collaboration with other relevant units within the university.