Hasan Mandal at Küçükköy Creative Technologies Atelier

TÜBİTAK President Prof. Dr. Hasan Mandal visited Küçükköy Creative Technologies Atelier.


During the visit held on July 27, 2024, the 5th anniversary of the Sabancı University Creative Technologies Atelier, the TÜBİTAK President received detailed information about the training, workshops, and studies carried out at the Küçükköy Creative Technologies Atelier, attended the training sessions in the atelier and also met with students who took part in TÜBİTAK projects.


A detailed conversation was held with the students of Küçükköy Necmi Komili Middle School, Ayvalık Anatolian High School, and İzmir Bahçeşehir Science and Technology High School about the training they received at SÜ Küçükköy, as well as the TEKNOFEST and TÜBİTAK projects they participated in.


SÜ Cospace Eğitmeni Muhammet Ali Bayraktar’ın Ayvalık Yaz Okullarında verilen eğitimlerin detaylarını da aktardığı sohbetin ardından SENTRUM projesi başta olmak üzere yürütülen projeler, eğitimler, kültür ve sanat faaliyetleri hakkında da bilgiler paylaşıldı. Atölye bahçesinde yer alan Onarıcı Mikro Bahçeyi de gezen TÜBİTAK Başkanı, atölyede gerçekleşen faaliyetlerin ve eğitimlerin yerel kalkınmaya olan etkisini takdirle karşıladığını ifade etti.


Following the conversation, in which SÜ Cospace Trainer Muhammet Ali Bayraktar also shared the details of the training given at Ayvalık Summer Schools, information was shared about the projects, training, culture, and art activities carried out, especially the SENTRUM project. The TÜBİTAK President, who also visited the Restorative Micro Garden in the atelier’s garden, expressed his appreciation for the impact of the activities and training sessions held in the atelier on local development.