THE Top Universities in BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings 2018

Sabancı University ranks 18th on the Times Higher Education (THE) “Top Universities in BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings 2018"

22 Turkish universities were included in the BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings 2018.

Times Higher Education’s BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings include the top 378 universities in Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa and 42 other emerging economies, and Sabancı University maintained its position in 18th place.

Similar to the World University Rankings, the list uses a methodology that covers Teaching, Research, Citations, International Outlook and Industry Income using 13 performance indicators.

Together with Sabancı University in 18th place, other Turkish universities on the “BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings" are Koç University (16th), Bilkent University (45th), Boğaziçi University (54th), ITU (64th), METU (89th), Hacettepe University (140th), Atılım University (142nd), Istanbul University (169th), Akdeniz University (170th), while Erciyes, Gebze, Izmir Institute of Technology, TOBB and Marmara Universities were in the 201st to 250th range, Yıldız Technical University in the 251st to 300th range, Anadolu, Ankara Dokuz Eylül and Gazi Universities in the 301st to 350th range, and Ondokuz Mayıs and Yeditepe Universities in the 351+ range.