Our faculty member Emrah Eroğlu receives the Leopold Flohé Redox Pioneer Young Investigator Award

Emrah Eroğlu, member of Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, has been found deserving of the Leopold Flohé Redox Pioneer Young Investigator Award given by the Society for Free Radical Research - Europe. The award is granted to a scientist younger than 45 years with outstanding novel findings in the field of biological redox processes, working already independently, and leading an own group of young scientists having published high quality papers.

Emrah Eroğlu

The award is sponsored by the Society for Free Radical Research - Europe (SFRR-E) and Jarrow Formula, who also select the nominees. The award ceremony will take place in the Redox Biology Congress in Ghent, Belgium on August 23, 2022. Emrah Eroğlu will receive his award following his presentation during the Redox Biology Congress.