Organized by Sabancı University Foundations Development Directorate, Internal Education Conference will focus on “digitization” − Reflections on Digital Learning and the Future of Higher Education. 4th Internal Education Conference' keynote speaker is Prof. Dr. Eli Noam.
After last year’s sudden push towards digitalization in higher education due to the global pandemic our annual internal education conference also had to adopt itself to this new digital reality. Unfortunately, the pandemic is still with us more than a year later but there seems to be some light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever new direction the pandemic takes, it is clear that some form of digitalization in higher education and distant-work practices are here to stay with us. This is not only very significant for our common core curriculum model, but it is equally relevant for all aspects of the university life. Therefore, we took it upon ourselves to initiate a dialogue about what future holds.
“Digitization” has been a keyword driving higher education institutions globally, with the growing interests in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs; see the brief history) during the last decade. Undeniably, the need for digitized education has been thrusted over the past year by the pandemic. We have lived through highs and lows of online education but what does “digitization” mean to you now? What should it mean for Sabancı University’s future? What is the role of universities and academics in the digital era? How did various institutions around the world deal with the demands of digitization? These questions are increasingly significant for all higher education institutions but especially for Sabancı University since our current strategic plan includes some bold steps towards digitization.
This year’s keynote speaker is Prof. Dr. Eli Noam
This year’s keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Eli Noam of Columbia University, the director of Columbia Institute for Tele-Information; and the author of very insightful and almost prophetic publication in Science , will shed some light on the nature of the digital transformation that we are witnessing today. He focuses on the economics, management, and policy of media, Internet, and communications, both in America and around the world.
Prof. Dr. Eli Noam will be discussing his ideas about the future of universities, the influence of Internet and current trends of digitalization.
Please register to the keynote lecture separately from this link.
The keynote (accessible via registration) will be followed by closed discussions for the members of Sabancı University that are organized around 6 main themes:
- What do we understand about “digitalization”?
- Digitalization and Workload
- Digitalization and Academic Integrity
- Digitalization and Content Creation
- Digitalization and Student Life
- Personal Experiences with Digitalization
The Conference will take place online; it is hoped that even with the virtual format, the Conference will provide an active platform for sharing and nurturing collaborations among all SU educators, as it has been for the last few years. All SU educators and staff are invited to the Conference. If you are a SU member, please register from the conference website!
We look forward to your presence and contribution to the conference.