Murat Germen's Solo Exhibition "Overflow"

Murat Germen’s solo exhibition, Overflow can be seen at Ferda Art Platform between 10.09.2020- 10.10.2020. Overflow will consist of three series of works titled ‘’Business as Unusual’’, ‘’Humanscapes of Solidarity’’, ‘’Sculpting Reflection’’ and a video piece, that encompass three different mediums. These series question the “present time” that humankind has experienced throughout the course of the virus while also surveying the bold outlook of the artist towards the current political climate. Unlike a cut and dry method of exhibition, the viewers are welcomed with an exhibition design by architect Kerem Piker that questions the capacities of a photograph’s imperial role to become the establishing factor of space. Overflow, that is curated by Necmi Sönmez, presents a union of works that interpret the modern understanding of reality. 


The series “Humanscapes of Reality” consists of 1170 different images that welcome the viewer into the exhibition without distinguishing between language, race, skin colour, gender, sexual orientation or age to show an ideal way of existence. ’Business as Unusual’’ that surrounds this series is presented as a form of criticism towards the power structures of business world. Germen’s “World spins no matter what!” titled single channel video work, aims to transform the visual representation of the virus into a form of question that highlights the underlying source of its existence.


Finally, the “Sculpting Reflection’’ series represent “the imposed means of social distance through individualization by the globally dominant networks.” 

Murat Germen’s exhibition Overflow, questions the possibility of sustainability of the daily life that is stuck between “the old and the new normal. In this sense, the exhibition has an unbounded character where inevitable social problems are surfaced and presented through visual imagery. The exhibition, in which the artist presents a common criticism with three different mediums, unites as a memory of the realities of life in the pandemic period.