International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Sabancı University Domestic Violence Prevention and Support Committee (DVP) and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Support Committee (SHP) shared the following message with the Sabancı University community in observance of November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

The committees also placed posters and leaflets at various locations throughout the campus.

Message by DVP and SHP Committees

Equality for women, men and all genders, and elimination of gender-based discrimination against women are among universal human rights. Violence against women is one of the most common human rights violations and affects women in all aspects of their lives.

Any attitude or behavior that causes physical or psychological harm to a woman, or contains force, oppression or threat is considered violence. Violence does not have to be physical: Forms of psychological, economic or sexual violence, and gender-based discrimination are also considered violence against women. Examples of violence range from raising voice to hitting, preventing women from working, destructive criticism, insults and disparagement, jokes of a sexual nature, and unwanted sexual advances or assault.

According to the World Health Organization, one in three women suffer physical or sexual violence at some point in their lives. Billions of people in the world, and millions in Turkey, are subjected to violence of various sorts. 4 out of 10 women in Turkey report that that have been the target of physical or sexual violence. 

Regarding level of education, research shows 75% of white-collar women were victims of one of the forms of violence at least once. 

On the other hand, awareness against violence is quickly building up in Turkey and the world. As the Sabancı University DVP* and SHP** Committees, we strive to provide an egalitarian, healthy, safe and affirmative learning, living and working environment for all students and employees. We would like everyone to know that we stand ready to do our part for preventing and eliminating all forms of violence against women, and call everyone to take active part in the elimination of violence against women.

You can find more information about how to receive support on various bills and visuals posted around the campus.

If you are exposed to any kind of violence, you are not alone.

Contact addresses;


*Domestic Violence Prevention and Support Committee

**Committee for Prevention and Support against Sexual Harassment