Fall semester placement and payments

Dormitory applications of students for the 2017-2018 Academic Year can view the placement list beginning on 08.09.2017 at 14:00 by bannerweb.sabanciuniv.edu site.

Students assigned to housing facilities are required to pay their housing fees and deposit between September 8 and 15, 2017.  Payments may be made in Akbank branches or the Akbank Direkt İnternet online banking application by selecting or specifying 'Sabancı University code 7000754  (function F325)' and specifying “YURT ÖDEMESİ or HOUSING PAYMENT” as payment type.  The system displays your current outstanding payments when provided your given name, family name and student number (please add zeroes to the beginning of the number to complete it to 8 digits, e.g. 00012345), and these amounts may be paid in cash to the bank teller or from an account other than the "Okul Ailem Hesabı" used for tuition fee payments.  Please note that housing fees must not be deposited in the Okul Ailem Hesabı intended for tuition fees.

The dormitory fees are not paid between these date, students will be considered to have waived their dormitory placement.

Dormitory fees for the Fall Semester of the 2017-2018 Academic Year are below.

Undergraduate students: 

4 person room (person/term)            3.700 TL

2 person room (person/term)            5.000 TL

Graduate students: 

2 person room (person/term)            5.000 TL

1 person room (person/term)            6.500 TL

Studio room   (person/term)              6.750 TL

Deposit (Undergraduate-Graduate; upon entry)    1.000 TL

In order to check in your room, your form issued for your stay Dorm Check-in Form must be signed by the responsible officer. 

The two documents below must be submitted to the responsible officers of Accomodation Service Unit.

1- The payment receipt that proves the dormidory fee has been paid.

2- Health Center Document Delivery Form that proves you have submitted your lung x-ray result report.

For further information, please do not hesitate to call the numbers below.

Working hours:

A1-A2-B4-D1B Dorms / Office A1 G034 (0216 4839926)

A3-A4 Dorms / Office A3 G008 (0216 4839938)

A5-A6 Dorms / Office A6 G034 (0216 4839927)

B2-B5-F-G Dorms / Office  B5 1034 (0216 4839933)

B1-B6-B7 Dorms / Office B7 G042 (0216 4839936)

B8-B9-B12 Dorms / Office B8 G042 (0216 4839934)

B3-B10-B11-D1A Dorms / Office B10 G038 (0216 4839929)

Out of working hours

B1 Dorms / Office B1 G042 (0216 48399 32/35/45)

Students are enter dormitories as of 16.09.2017.

Attend the orientation; new undergraduate students will check - in after 12.09.2017.