Distinguished individuals from business and the arts met the youth at IMIS’17 PASSION

Distinguished individuals from business and the arts met the youth at IMIS’17 PASSION...

The 11th IMIS (International Management and Industrial Engineering Summit) organized by the Sabancı University student club Industrial Engineering Society was held on March 4 and 5, 2017 with over 600 guests from Istanbul and other cities. IMIS '17 was held under the theme of "Passion" at the Sabancı University Performing Arts Center, where business executives, subject matter experts and actors talked to the audience about how they sought their passion in their personal or professional lives.

Speakers on the first day of the two-day event were IMIS main sponsor QNB Finansbank Vice President of HR Hakan Alp, Monier Braas CEO Daniş Navaro, L'oreal Turkey CMO Beyza Kapu, Lidyana.com CEO Hakan Baş, actor İlker Kaleli and IMIS gold sponsor Vestek and Vestel Ventura General Manager Metin Salt. On the second day, Eczacıbaşı Medical Group President Elif Çelik, Unilever Gebze Plant Manager Selim Tansuğ, Sabancı University School of Management faculty member and Finance Chair Özgür Demirtaş, IMIS silver sponsor Daikin CEO Hasan Önder, Boston Consulting Group Managing Partner Çağrı Oğan and actor Berrak Tüzünataç spoke to the audience.

Speakers addressed an audience of mostly university students, telling them about their career plans and their stories of how they discovered their true passions. The first speaker in the event, QNB Finansbank Vice President of HR Hakan Alp, discussed "making passion a part of the way you do business", followed by Monier Braas CEO Daniş Navaro on a philosophical approach to success, also explained in his book Kariyer ve Varoluş [Career and Existence]. L'oreal Turkey CMO Beyza Kapu said, "I owe most of my success to my life in university" and recommended students to be active in student clubs and seize international opportunities like Erasmus. Lidyana.com CEO Hakan Baş shared his success story as a "passionate entrepreneur" followed by actor İlker Kaleli, who told about his story extending from being a club DJ to an acting school in London. İlker Kaleli said that university events like IMIS were important to him, continuing "One should distinguish between passion and talent or love. People who are reborn into the job they do every day are people who are truly passionate about their jobs." The last speaker of the first day was Vestek and Vestel Ventura General Manager Metin Salt.

QNB Finansbank Vice President of HR Hakan Alp

L'oreal Turkey CMO Beyza Kapu

Vestek and Vestel Ventura General Manager Metin Salt

Actor İlker Kaleli

The second day of IMIS’17 Passion continued with speakers from different walks of life, and their passions. Eczacıbaşı Medical Group President Elif Çelik was the first speaker of the day.  Çelik told listeners about how an education in medicine could be merged with a business. Unilever Gebze Plant Manager Selim Tansuğ painted a picture of what awaited listeners in their careers based on his professional experience and technological developments that were just around the corner. Sabancı University School of Management faculty member and Finance Chair Özgür Demirtaş was among the favorites of the event with his presentation on international economics, grasping the true power of technology, and preparing for the future.

 Eczacıbaşı Medical Group President Elif Çelik

Sabancı University School of Management faculty member and Finance Chair Özgür Demirtaş 

Daikin CEO Hasan Önder spoke about crossing his career in a small company with a global giant and the importance of working with different cultures in a business setting, followed by Boston Consulting Group Managing Partner Çağrı Oğan on how his passion for resolving conflict led him to a career in strategic consultancy, who urged listeners to invest in their visions to make a difference in a changing world. The last speaker of IMIS’17 Passion was actor Berrak Tüzünataç. Tüzünataç answered questions from the floor and spoke of her journey to becoming an actor, saying "My passion is life itself."

 Daikin CEO Hasan Önder

Actor Berrak Tüzünataç

The Sabancı University Industrial Engineering Society (IES) presented certificates to speakers after the event.

IMIS’17 Passion aftermovie is on air

Watch IMIS’17 Passion aftermovie from here.