Emeritus Professors of Sabancı University

A ceremony was held to celebrate the emeritus professorships of the valued Sabancı University faculty members Professor Ayşe Öncü, Associate Professor Cemil Arıkan, Professor Fikret Adanır, Professor Kemal İnan, Professor Korel Göymen, Professor Sabri Sayarı and Professor Vyacheslav Zakharyuta for their invaluable contributions to the institution and their respective fields of study.  The ceremony at Sabancı University was attended by President Professor Nihat Berker, deans of faculties, faculty members, students, employees and guests from academia.

Professor Nihat Berker said, “Institutions bear the imprint of their members.  Our members that we bestow with emeritus professorship have always been at the forefront of our university with their extremely valuable studies, personalities and wealth of experience.”

Emeritus professors are distinguished in academia and the society in their respective fields

Professor Ayşe Öncü, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, has made great contributions to sociology.
Associate Professor Cemil Arıkan served as the Director of Research and Graduate Policy - a first by Sabancı University.
Professor Fikret Adanır, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, has contributed to the university in the field of history.
Professor Kemal İnan, is the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences.
Professor Korel Göymen, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, has worked extensively in urban planning and local administrations.
Professor Sabri Sayarı, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, has distinguished studies in international relations and political science in Turkey.
Professor Vyacheslav Zakharyuta, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, has been living in Turkey for 20 years and has outstanding achievements in mathematics.

Emeritus Professorship at Sabancı University
Emeritus professorship at Sabancı University is an honorary appointment bestowed upon distinguished faculty members who have been of extraordinary service to the university and the society throughout their academic careers, and retire at 68 years of age.  The bestowment of the title is recommended by the Dean of the respective faculty, approved by the President and ratified by the Board of Trustees.

Emeritus professorship at Sabancı University aims to bolster the concentration of young and extraordinary talent with the wealth of knowledge and experience brought by distinguished professors.  The title also enables retired faculty members to continue prolific scientific efforts and take part in the activities of the university.