Assoc. Prof. Oznur Tastan Has Been Recently Elected as the Co-President Of The MLCSB

Assoc. Prof. Oznur Tastan has been recently elected as the co-president of the Machine Learning in Computational and Systems Biology (MLCSB) community, which promotes the exchange of ideas, interactions, and collaborations in computational biology and machine learning.  

Öznur Taştan

She will be co-president with Prof. Anshul Kundaje (Stanford University) in the upcoming four years. MLCSB is also a special interest community (COSI) of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).  As one of the COSI leaders, Dr. Tastan will contribute to organizing the ISMB conference every year by helping the organization of the the MLCSB COSI track. She will also help in the organization of workshops and the management of a mailing list (Google Group) of more than 1,300 members as of September 2024.