Gaining Momentum with the Support of Sabancı University, Auto Train Brain Receives Investment Based on a Valuation of 8.2 Million USD



Auto Train Brain, established in Erciyes Teknopark within the scope of TÜBİTAK 1512 BİGG Entrepreneurship Support Program and supported by Sabancı University Inovent A.Ş. in the same year, received investment from Pera Yatırım Holding A.Ş. based on a valuation of 8.2 million USD.

Auto Train Brain, an artificial intelligence-supported neurotechnology product that aims to improve the cognitive skills of individuals with learning disabilities such as dyslexia and attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has been used by approximately 5,000 people to date. It is reported that Auto Train Brain, a non-invasive solution with the highest level of effectiveness (0.88) in the world, has achieved a net promoter score of 83% in individuals with neurodiversity, especially learning disabilities.

The company, which has grown with technical and academic support from Sabancı University, Acıbadem Tekmer, and TÜBİTAK, aims to expand into international markets by further developing its R&D activities with this latest investment.

Auto Train Brain CEO Dr. Günet Eroğlu said the following in his statement evaluating the impacts of the investment: "10% of every society has some degree of learning disability. People with learning disabilities need an effective and affordable option to improve their brain performance in a reliable and comfortable way. At HMS Health, we are improving the cognitive abilities of people with learning disabilities with the mobile application we developed. Thanks to this investment we received from Pera Yatırım, we have reached a wider audience and come one step closer to our goal of growing abroad. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Pera Yatırım, Sabancı University, Acıbadem Tekmer, Bahçeşehir University, Erciyes Teknopark, KOSGEB, and TÜBİTAK for their support in this process. We believe that these collaborations and support will play a critical role in increasing the impact of our technology on a global scale."

This strategic investment once again underlines Sabancı University's contributions to innovative projects and makes a significant contribution to raising awareness in the fields of neurotechnology and artificial intelligence in Turkey.