Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum celebrates April 23, National Sovereignty and Children’s Day with children’s audiobooks read by the voice actor, writer, and presenter Yekta Kopan.
Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum (SSM) celebrates April 23, National Sovereignty and Children’s Day with children’s books. With support from the Sabancı Foundation, the audio version of SSM’s series of children’s book have been re-recorded, now presenting the voice actor, writer, and presenter Yekta Kopan as the reader.
The project includes the books “Ben Picasso” (I, Picasso), “Ben Venedik Taciri” (I, the Merchant of Venice), “Ben Dali” (I, Dali), “Ben Halı” (I, the Carpet), “Ben Kitap” (I, the Book), “Ben Cengiz Han” (I, Genghis Khan) and “Ben Rodin” (I, Rodin), all related to the Museum’s past exhibitions, as well as the book Ben Eserlerimi Koruyorum (I am Preserving My Works) in collaboration with the SSM Conservation Laboratory. Aiming to introduce art to children, who have not reached to reading age, the project also enables the viewers to see the illustrated pages of the books.
Please click to download the books, which aim to provide children with information on artists’ life stories, artistic production, the historical context of the art collections as well as the operation of the Museum.
The audiobooks and printed books are available only in Turkish.