"Conscious Parenting" discussed at the Sabancı University National Sensitivity Conference

The third National Sensitivity Conference organized by the Sabancı University Civic Involvement Projects (CIP) was held at the Kozyatağı Civic Center in association with the Municipality of Kadıköy. Three speakers discussed "conscious parenting".

After introductory remarks by Sabancı University President Zehra Sayers and CIP Director Zeynep Bahar Çelik, AÇEV (Mother Child Education Foundation) Family Education Coordinator Ahmet Çetin spoke on the “Role and Importance of the Father in Supportive Parenting," saying that acts of "attentive fathering" such as taking responsibility in the care, nutrition and development of the child, providing environment and opportunities, sharing household responsibilities with the spouse, and acting in a participatory and democratic manner are influenced by gender and the social support the father receives from his surroundings.

Sexology trainer Rayka Kumru spoke on “Positive Parenting,” saying that sex education in children was less of a conventional training and more in the form of reactions to actions, answers to questions, and way of everyday living, and emphasizing that proper sex education was critical and required looking into the perceptions and values of parents and caregivers.

In his lecture titled "Life with Children," psychiatrist and author Yankı Yazgan called for everyone to think on questions such as "How can children comprehend life better and lead a more meaningful life as they look for the secrets of living together with others and living as themselves?" and "How can a child develop into an adult who values the lives of others?", drawing attention to the development opportunities life with children provides everyone. The conference continued with questions from the floor and active participation of educators and parents.    

In the first National Sensitivity Conference, representatives of the leading universities, high schools, private institutions and civil society organizations of Turkey had shared their experiences around the theme of "Youth Studies." The second conference held last year was on "Women's Studies" and supported by the Sabancı Foundation. Best practices from academia, the private sector and civil society on cooperation with the youth, women's empowerment and employment were shared.