Assoc. Prof. Akın Ünver from Özyeğin University was the guest at the Dean’s Speaker Series talk organized by Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences on December 25.

In the seminar entitled Dean’s Speaker Series: “From Algorithms to Actors: A Socio-Computational Approach to Understanding Foreign Interference in International Politics”, Assoc. Prof. Akın Ünver provided information about the DE-CONSPIRATOR project he coordinates. He said that the project aims to measure the impact of foreign information manipulation and interference strategies that have increased in digital communication tools in recent years on political and social events in the 25 EU member states and Turkey and to develop strategies to combat this.
Ünver, who gave examples of disinformation and information manipulation strategies observed in international politics, explained that the aim is to protect the freedom to receive and consume news by increasing the resistance and awareness of Turkey and EU countries. In this context, Ünver also touched on the role of cybersecurity, social media platforms, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Akın Ünver, who stated that as a social scientist specializing in international relations, his work has focused on informatics and computer sciences for the last 6-7 years, added that he collaborates with scientists working in this field.