Our President Prof. Yusuf Leblebici and our Vice President for Education Prof. Cem Güneri have visited two of the leading higher education institutions in Singapore, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and National University of Singapore (NUS), upon invitations of Professor Ling San, Deputy President and Provost of NTU, and Professor Tan Eng Chye, President of NUS. Prof. Ling San is also a member of our International Board of Overseers.
The meetings with the administrations officials of both universities are intended to further enhance the existing research and education ties with Sabancı University, and to explore new avenues of collaboration. At NTU, Prof. Leblebici and Prof. Güneri also met with Prof. Ernst Kuipers, Vice President for Research, Prof. Lee Pooi See, Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Gan Chee Lip, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, Prof. Victoria Leong, Associate Dean of the Graduate College, Prof. Zheng Yuanjin, Director of the Centre for Integrated Circuits and Systems (CICS), Prof. Liu Yang, Director of the Cyber Security Research Centre (CYSREN), as well as the Heads of the Office of International Engagement and the Applications of Teaching & Learning Analytics for Students (ATLAS). The meetings at National University of Singapore (NUS) also involved the Deputy President and Provost, Prof. Aaron Thean Voon Yew, and Prof. Lum Sau Kim, Associate Vice President for Global Relations.

At the same time, Dr. Emre Erol, Director of Foundations Development Directorate at Sabancı University, had meetings at NTU with the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education and the leaders of NTU’s Institute for Pedagogical Innovation, Research & Excellence (InsPIRE) and the Interdisciplinary Collaborative Core (ICC) Office. During his visit, Dr. Erol attended ICC-coordinated core curriculum classes, explored NTU’s specially designed learning spaces, and engaged in discussions with ICC course coordinators and instructors.
Nanyang Technological University (NTU), founded in 1991, is ranked 15th in QS World University Rankings, and 30th in Times Higher Education World University Rankings. National University of Singapore (NUS), founded in 1980, is ranked 8th in QS World University Rankings, and 27th in Times Higher Education World University Rankings. NUS is also a founding member of Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipation (GESDA) Forum, together with Sabancı University.