Sabancı University Mechatronics Engineering Ph.D. student Behnam Parizad Benam's proceeding titled "On Saturated Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of Deionized Water and Ferrofluid on Structured Surfaces with/without External Magnetic Field" and co-authored by FENS faculty member and EFSUN researcher Ali Koşar, FENS and EFSUN research Abdolali K. Sadaghiani, FENS M.S. student Mandana Mohammadilooey, Seoul National University faculty member Hyun Sun Park, is one of the Best Paper Award recipients in the 8th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer 2023 held in Lisbon.

Behnam Parizad Benam, Ali Koşar, Abdolali K. Sadaghiani
This study is a nice example for the interdisciplinary research being conducted in the EFSUN Center of Excellence and a nice output of the TÜBİTAK-NRF 2523 Bilateral Project.