Among the papers presented at the International Congress of Turkish Art (ICTA), hosted by the University of Warsaw and held in three different sections, were the contributions of experts from Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum.

The seventeenth edition of the International Congress of Turkish Art (ICTA) took place from September 18th to 21st, 2023, hosted by the University of Warsaw.

Dr. Nazan Ölçer, the Director of Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum, took part as a member of the ICTA Scientific Committee. During this international congress, Dr. Ayşe Aldemir, the Manager of the Arts of the Book and Calligraphy Collection, presented a paper titled "Ottoman Calligraphy and Manuscript Illumination in the Early Republican Period," Hüma Arslaner, the Manager of the Painting Collection, presented a paper titled "The Cavalryman Underneath Abdülmecid Efendi’s Canvas," and Dr. Fatma Coşkuner, the Educational Programmes Coordinator, presented a paper titled “Historical Vision and the Depiction of History at the Nineteenth-Century Dolmabahçe Palace: Stanisław Chlebowski’s Version of the “Conquest.”

The International Congress of Turkish Art was first organized in Ankara in 1959 under the leadership of Prof. Suut Kemal Yetkin, with the aim of expanding research and methodologies related to Turkish art and culture.

ICTA serves as an international platform that brings together academics, cultural and artistic institution leaders, scientists, and researchers from various countries, where different research findings are presented and discussed. The papers presented at ICTA are selected by an international jury and the congress is held every four years, hosted by prestigious universities from various corners of the world.