Foundations Development Directorate Instructors Share Core Curriculum Experiences in Poland

Three members of Foundations Development Directorate (FDD) were invited to share their experiences and expertise on the core curriculum offered at Sabancı University, at the International Congress on Education Quality ( in Katowice, Poland. 


The Congress was organized by seven Silesian universities and hosted by the University of Silesia, from November 15 to 19. During their visit, the FDD members offered the following three sessions to the congress participants in the context of professional development for teachers and curriculum development for quality education:

  • Running the Core Curriculum: Collaboration with Faculties, Course Design and Incentive Systems” given by Emre Erol
  • World History in a Core Curriculum System: Making the Content Relevant for Students with Different Profiles” given by Marloes Cornelissen Aydemir
  • Learner-Centered, Interdisciplinary Approach to Freshman Science Course” given by Yuki Kaneko

Emre Erol also took part in a panel discussion on “Quality in Education: Approaches, Inspirations, Good Practices” and shared good practices and innovative approaches taking place at Sabancı University.


The collaboration between the FDD and the University of Silesia began in early 2022 when a team from Silesia visited Sabancı University to learn about our core curriculum to assist them in implementing a similar curriculum at their university. The invitation/collaboration is one of the few from a university abroad that is officially extended to the FDD to help them initiate a core curriculum similar to ours.