TGC Sedat Simavi Awards given

Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences members Devrim Gözüaçık and İnanç Adagideli were among the award winners with their work. Devrim Gözüaçık was given the “Grand Prize in Medical Sciences” and İnanç Adagideli received the “Praiseworthy Work in Natural Sciences” award.

Devrim Gözüaçık received the Grand Prize in Medical Sciences with the work titled Autophagy

The jury also announced that İnanç Adagideli, natural sciences was Praiseworthy.

Journalists’ Society of Turkey (TGC) 2014 Sedat Simavi Awards were presented to winning journalists, artists, scientists, sportspeople and literati.

The Awards were endowed 38 years ago in memory of Sedat Simavi, the founding chairman of the TGC who passed away on December 11th, 1953.  Prizes are given in the categories of journalism, radio, television, literature, social sciences, natural sciences, medical sciences, visual arts, and sports.