Prof. Dr. S. İsmet Deliloğlu Gürhan, SUNUM Part-Time Researcher, will talk about viral vaccine production/manufacturing in releation with cell culture technology, which starts from the vaccine virus discovery to field application and those who want to benefit from these services under the same roof.

Within this scope, the role of the cell substrates, benefits and potential risks will be discussed on Nano Open Webinar.
For registration to the Nano Open Webinar, which will take place on May 29, 2024 at 11:00 am at Zoom,
About Prof. Dr. S. İsmet Deliloğlu Gürhan
Prof. Dr. S. İsmet Deliloğlu Gürhan, specialized in Microbiology and Epidemic Diseases of Animals, completed her undergraduate education and master’s degree in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Ankara University (1969), and after 3 years of field service of T.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs as a practising veterinarian appointed to the Foot and Mouth Disease Institute, Ankara. During 27 years of service in this Institute she pursued a Ph.D. degree in Virology at Selçuk University Institute of Health Sciences, set up the Upstream Control Laboratory and Animal Cell Culture Collection (HÜKÜK, member of WFCC/ECCO). Subsequently 2000 to 2014, she worked as academic personnel at Ege University Bioengineering Department.
She was the Turkey representative of EU/FAO FMD Research Group (1995-2000), technical expert of TURKAK (2015-2023). Currently, besides consultation to some biotechnology companies and biomedical research projects of the universities she is also acting as member of Turkish Pharmacopeia Regulatory Commission and IYTE Bioengineering Department Consultative Committee Member.
Gürhan has expertise in the inactive virus vaccine manufacturing, monoclonal antibody production with hybridoma technology, in vitro biocompatibility studies of biotechnological materials as alternative to animal models, mesenchymal stem cells, and cell bank designation.