Aydın Aysu, our 2008 BA and 2010 MA graduate from Sabancı University, who is currently working as an associate professor in the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering at North Carolina State University, continues to achieve many successes with his recently founded MithrilAI Corp. startup.

Dr. Aysu, who directs the HECTOR: Hardware Cybersecurity Research Laboratory at the university where he works, received his PhD from Virginia Tech. Before joining NC State, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Texas at Austin. Dr. Aysu's areas of interest include hardware security research and cybersecurity education.
He has received NSF CAREER, NSF CRII, Google RSP, Goodnight Innovation Fellow, University Faculty Scholar, and Bennett Faculty Fellow awards within the scope of hardware security research, and won six best paper nominations (IACR TCHES, IEEE HOST, DATE, GLS-VLSI), two best paper awards, two hardware security masterpieces (IEEE CEDA), and one presentation paper award (DAC). Aydın Aysu is an IEEE senior member and also the co-founder and president of MithrilAI Corp.
A Groundbreaking Startup in Its Field
In addition to his academic attainments, he has achieved significant successes such as SBIR Phase-I support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and a grant from the state of North Carolina with his startup MithrilAI Corp, which aims to develop groundbreaking solutions in the field of reliable artificial intelligence hardware design. Dr. Aysu says the following about his startup: “We both develop innovative approaches in our field and aim to create value focused on technology and security on a global scale.” He states that the education he received and the experiences he gained at Sabancı University have a great share in this success.