Subject Based Discussions'ın yeni konuğu Sinan Erensü

Akademik Destek Programı tarafından organize edilen "Subject-Based Discussions", 2019/20 Mercator-İPM Araştırmacısı Sinan Erensü’nün "What does Justice have to do with Climate Change?" konulu semineri ile devam ediyor. 

Güncel yerel ve küresel konuların tartışıldığı Subject-Based Discussions seminer serisi, sosyal bilimler (psikoloji, tarih, siyaset bilimi, iktisat, uluslararası ilişkiler vs.) alanında öğrencilerde farkındalık yaratmaya devam ediyor. "What does Justice have to do with Climate Change?" konulu seminer 24 Aralık Perşembe saat 18.40'ta online olarak gerçekleşecek. Semineri izlemek için lütfen tıklayın

 What does Justice have to do with Climate Change?

Sinan Erensü

2019/20 Mercator-IPC Fellow & Boğaziçi University, Sociology Department

Climate change is an immense global challenge calling for immediate action and radical transformation of the world economy. To address it successfully, however, requires recognition of past and contemporary injustices at multiple scales. While it is true that climate change targets the entire world, it is also true that its impacts will be distributed unevenly across the globe. What makes a solution even more complicated is the simple fact that humanity is not equally responsible for the dynamics that have caused climate change in the first place. The term climate crises points to the unequally and contradictory character of climate change as much as the social and ecological calamities it produces. This talk discusses the climate crisis from the climate justice perspective and points to the local and global struggles of climate justice activists.