Our Faculty Member İsmail Çakmak Ranks First in Turkey in The List of The Most Influential Scientists of The World

Our Faculty Member İsmail Çakmak Ranks First in Turkey and Sixth in The World in The List of The Most Influential Scientists of The World

A team consisting of scientists from the United States of America and the Netherlands identified the most influential scientists of the world based on variables such as number of scientific papers, number of citations, number of authors, authorship position, and citation to own paper and using a composite indicator scientific impact index. 

The study classifying 100,000 top scientists of the world into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields was carried out under the coordination of Stanford University and published in the scientific journal named Plos Biology. The study included about 7 million researchers who have published at least five papers between 1996-2017 and listed 100,000 scientists. İsmail Çakmak, a Faculty Member at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of Sabancı University, has ranked first in Turkey and sixth in the world in his field in The List of The Most Influential Scientists of The World, which included 196 scientists from Turkey. 

Conducting his studies on mineral nutrition of crops and nutritional physiology and focusing on micro-nutrient deficiency (particularly zinc and iodine deficiency) which has affected approximately 2 billion people in the world in recent year and is known as hidden hunger, İsmail Çakmak, a Faculty Member at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of our university, has ranked 3394th among the list of 100,000 most influential scientists of the world, the first in Turkey and the sixth in the field of Agronomy-Agriculture. 

You can access the open database and list including 100,000 top scientists around the world on “https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/1/files/51ba39a5-4de9-4c79-b180-f0ca4d5747ed”. 

About İsmail Çakmak

İsmail Çakmak studies plant nutrition and nutritional physiology. His research in recent years focuses on micro-nutrient deficiency which affects approximately 2 billion people in the world today and is known as hidden hunger. Over the past 12 years, he has been conducting research in 15 countries to enrich grains such as corn, wheat, and rice which are often consumed by humans in terms of zinc, selenium, and iodine through agricultural strategies, and reduce the widespread problem of hidden hunger in humans.

According to the Scopus database, he has published more than 200 articles in international scientific journals. These articles were cited 17,400 times according to Scopus and 32,200 times according to Google Scholar. His H-index value is 70 according to Scopus and 91 according to Google Scholar.  

In 2017 and 2019, he was selected to the Highly Cited Researchers list by Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters).  

He received the Science Prize of TÜBİTAK in 1999, the International Norman Borlaug Crop Nutrition Award of the International Fertilizer Industry Association (Paris) in 2005, the Crawford Fund “Derek Tribe Award Medal” (Canberra, Australia) in 2007, the Georg Forster Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Berlin, Germany) in 2014, the Science Prize of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (Atlanta) and World Academy of Sciences Prize in Agricultural Sciences (Trieste) in 2016.  In 2012, he was elected member of “the Science Academy of Turkey” and “the Academy of Europe”.